Preparing The Ground For Your Portable Shed

When you decide to buy a portable shed for your backyard or add some space to your office, you need to make some preparations first. Anything you decide to buy, you need to select and decide on the perfect place for it. The same goes for a portable shed. You must prepare the ground first, on which you plan to place your portable shed.

Just like your home, your portable shed needs a reliable and stable foundation to remain useful and last for a long time. This blog will shed some useful light on preparing the ground for your portable shed to help keep it stable and firm.

Call The Building Inspector

The first thing you need to do is contact your building inspector. He will ensure you have the right type of soil and location for the specific type of portable shed you are going for. This will ensure that you have the right kind of foundation in place for your shed, making sure that there are no compatibility issues between the type of foundation and the material of your shed.

Choose A Suitable Spot

The next thing is to try to find a place for your portable shed that doesn’t need leveling up. If the spot is already level, you don’t have to try your luck in grading the soil. Another thing to consider when selecting the most suitable spot for your portable shed is to find a site that remains dry.

Water retention can badly destroy your shed. You need to have a spot that always remains dry and doesn’t tend to gather water. This will make the spot suitable for the shed in the longer run.

Remove Grass From The Area

Removing grass from the spot you selected for your portable shed is also crucial for your shed’s longevity. You need to ensure that the soil is packed tightly before putting gravel on the soil. You may use a tamper for pressing and packing the soil firmly.

The gravel thickness must be a couple of inches minimum to add a significant level of stability to the ground.

Measure The Shed Carefully

Measuring the shed from all sides precisely will enable you to know exactly how much ground you need to place the shed. Measuring carefully the first time will save you time and effort as you will not have to do it again upon removing your shed from the spot after the first failed attempt.

Making sure you get the right measurements is critical as it guarantees the successful installation of the portable shed.

Strengthen The Corners By Putting Blocks

If you put four concrete blocks on all four corners of your shed, it will add to the shed’s stability and strength. If required and allowed by your area’s construction authorities, you may also put some extra concrete blocks under the shed throughout the ground.

Ensure The Blocks Are Aligned Properly

To align the concrete blocks accurately, taking measurements from all four corners diagonally to the corner right across will help. This alignment of the blocks will guarantee the placement of the shed. The portable shed must stand on a level and stable ground to keep everything in order. The experts use a straight board to place across the blocks and a level on top of it to ensure they are evenly placed and will not need leveling up.

Stahl Structures ensures your portable shed is placed accurately on a perfectly prepared ground so that it keeps on benefiting you and gives you a good new portable living, storage, or parking experience. Want to get in contact with us? Click here.

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