Everything You Need To Know Before Buying Your New Shed

A storage shed is a significant asset and can be a substantial investment, especially if you plan on keeping it for a long time. Usually, storage sheds, ones placed in its dedicated spot, remain there for years to come. This is why many people want to make sure they purchase the right shed the first time and often feel intimidated to buy one if they haven’t had the experience of purchasing one before.

For this reason, it is essential to know what exactly to consider before buying your first shed. Below we discuss some questions that will help you make up your mind about the kind of shed you’d want for your backyard.

Why Do You Need A New Shed?


Sheds offer great storage space, and this forms the primary reason why most people want to install them in their backyards. They can practically be used to store anything. And the decision of buying a storage shed doesn’t just form overnight. Most people start to notice that they need space around their house right after moving in. They might need space to store their out-of-season clothes, their garden tools, or to park their car.

Whatever the reason may be, if you believe that the clutter inside your house is getting out of hand, adding an extra room to your home might be the best option.


Another popular reason you may need to buy a shed is to work on your crafts and hobbies. Making a workshop out of your shed is the easiest and most cost-effective way to practice your hobbies and DIY skills. A designated area for your hobbies can also help you earn from it as you can freely and easily work using your skills and not worry about the mess.

Depending on your needs, you can get your shed designed a specific way. Other ways a shed can be used are as a; garage, garden shed, home office, playhouse, and more.

How Much Space Do You Require In Your Shed

Once you have decided on the purpose of buying your new shed, make sure you know what you’ll be putting into it. There always seems to be more stuff than you originally thought you’d store in the shed, which sometimes makes you pick the wrong sized shed. Thus, always make a list of things you plan to put into it before going to your shed provider. You can bring your list to Stahl Structures , and our team will advise you on the right kind of space you’ll need for your stuff. We customize our storage sheds to suit your needs. Look at our size guide to know more.

Which Style Should You Go With?

Style choice will depend on your personal preference. You can choose a shed that matches your house or go for a modern metal shed look. The options are numerous, and they can get confusing but if you have in mind a specific look for your shed, just tell our team, and we will customize a shed for you. Just be sure that what you like fits your needs and your budget. Check out our gallery to find the right kind of shed for yourself.

Do I Want A Metal, Vinyl, Or Wood Shed?

The choice of the shed’s exterior depends on your needs as well. Below we will explain the differences between the three.

Metal Sheds

  • Metal sheds are highly durable and have almost 40 years of warranty against rust
  • It requires minimum maintenance and can go without a fresh coat of paint for ten years
  • It isn’t damaged easily on impact
  • It is fairly weather-resistant, and with a few modifications, can resist any weather type, keeping the interior of your shed warm in winter and cool in summer

Vinyl Sheds

  • Vinyl sheds require no painting
  • Require little maintenance
  • They are resistant to stains and rust
  • They are more durable than wooden sheds
  • They deteriorate over time as UV rays break down the polymers in the plastic

Wooden Sheds

  • They are a more traditional choice and look good in gardens
  • They are easily customizable and can match your house
  • They require maintenance to stay dry and in good shape
  • They are not resistant to harsh weather

These are the three popular choices of shed exterior. However, Stahl Structures provides exterior finishing, including but not limited to these. For more information, visit our website or contact us today for customized service.

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